View Full Version : Kingdom of Maurenia

12-31-2021, 08:37 AM
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51788487699_cac1bb25e9_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2mUnx7k)

Maurenia is a Kingdom founded by a former Princess as a safe haven for mages and magical types. It is built around learning various forms of magic an its most prominent and central building is a magical academy. Here many learn how to properly use magic and keep themselves safe from the physical abuse of others. That being said, non-magical people also find themselves in this kindgom and are usually delegated to working more menial tasks for the upkeep of the kingdom in exchange for their health and safety. The kingdom is built upon the idea of merit, magical merit. To keep the space safe, magical barriers are erected around it, the barriers themselves are three fold and disallow direct teleportation and block all projectiles magical or physical.