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03-26-2016, 06:42 AM
「Lucius Gray Monroe」

Name: Lucius Gray Monroe
Age: 120
Species: Human – Partially Converted Dalek
Gender: Male
Home Planet: None.
Ship: None.
Appearance: He stands at around 185 cms and with a more rounded face, a small scar going across his right eyebrow and cheek, and his eye color seems to be grey-blue. His hair is black, with the sides of his head shaved, forming a mohawk out of the hair at the top of his head, tapering off into a point at the nape of his neck. He also sports a strange glowing tattoo on his back between his shoulder blades. This tattoo glows briefly and heals scars he has. His attire consists of a black, 3/4-length, hooded leather jacket with red interior linings and the British Union flag sewn on the left arm, a gray tanktop, black fingerless gloves, black faded jeans, black boots.
Personality: The young man carries himself in the same slick, confident manner, albeit with a more vulgar and spiteful tone. He is very rebellious towards authority figures, but laid-back to anyone else. Living on the periphery of society and caught between two worlds, he feels like an outcast. Young and angry, but with a quick wit and black humor, he is disaffected and disassociated with society, and quite apathetic. He has no fear, and no respect for authority. However, Gray has a huge heart beneath all of this rough exterior. He purposely chose to live out his life his own way because his eyes were opened to evil as a teenager. He decided to take a stand and fight back, no matter what happens. But even after all of the hatred, violence and murder, Gray often looks at himself and sees if he can call himself human.
History: Lucius Gray Monroe was a normal child, living in a small village with his family in the future Earth. Everything seemed to progress normally for him, until he was 9 when he and his entire village were attacked by the Daleks. He was separated from his parents, who were sent to Dalek camps, never to see their child again. Gray on the other hand was sent to be experimented to scientist Daleks. He was partially converted into a Dalek. However, there was one thing the Daleks forgot to consider. Being a teenager, and mostly a rebellious one, his hatred for the Daleks exceeded the one in his mind that was controlling him. Taking full control over his body, he escaped the labs and made his way towards the prison camps. That was only to learn that everybody sent there had already been exterminated. The boy couldn’t take this and snapped. His amount of hatred was so high that the Dalek inside his mind couldn’t cope with it along with its own and permanently lost control. He went on a rampage and killed dozens of Daleks. But as he was in Skaro, there seemed to be no end coming to their number. And eventually, he started to fall back. As his urge to escape rocketed, he accidentally activated his temporal shift and found himself in a jungle planet, Revateem. He spent his years there with the humans there, slowly and secretly learning more about his powers and his body. He found out that he was not aging. He eventually went through a state of depression, reliving his memories from Skaro and doubting himself. But eventually he decided to use his powers for good and left Revateem to travel in time and space to fight the Daleks and help those who needed it.
Doubting his own humanity, Gray once ripped open his chest to confirm he had a heart.
Special Abilities:
Dalek Gunstick: The Dalek Gunstick is an energy weapon. The discharge beam generally appears to be blue. This weapon has several settings. A non-lethal setting which paralyses the target. At full power, the gunstick can totally disintegrate the victim. Additionally, it possesses a “maximum extermination” setting; that can turn a being into a form of plasma. When Gray’s arm is outstreached, he can shoot a beam out of his hand. His control over this improved in time and he made improvements as well, being able to shoot greater beams by using both of his hands at the same time.
Enhanced Vision: Although his vision is normal, Gray is able to use the optic nerves of the Dalek Eyestalk to see much further than a normal humanoid eye can.
Dalek Databanks: Although he has severed his connection to the Dalek controlling him, Gray still has complete access to the Dalek data cloud.
Halted Body Clock: Gray was more than just partially converted; his body clock was also stopped completely. Although he can take damage, and possibly die, he never gets older.
Self-Replicating Energy Matrix: Using the Dalek Technology, Gray can recover easily from most injuries, some of which would be considered lethal for his kind. He was seen drinking cyanide because of feeling thirsty, without experiencing any after effects. He stated afterwards that it felt like water, but a bit metallic.
Temporal Shift: Although he has no vessels, Gray can use the temporal shift as a form of transport to move through time and space.