View Full Version : [Avatar] Okumura Rini

05-31-2016, 02:32 AM

Personal Information

Name: Okumura Rini
Age: 19
Birthday: ???
Hair Style:
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Rider Information

Rider Shadow:
Road: Terra Road
Type: Trick
Team: Avatar

R.E.A.D. Layout

R.E.A.D. Level: 250
Rider Class: C-class | Uncrowned Queen
Subregalia: Earthen Shifter: A subregalia which induces vibrations through the body of its rider, the user is able to transfer those vibrations downward and through the ground causing a shift in the earth beneath their target. This effect could simply be induced through leg movements but is most often seen with palm to ground contact. This movement can be both great and large, as it uses the body as a conduit. This as a nauseating affect, creating a space in which people become less able to move and physically sick as they try to approach her.
Infinity Atmosphere:

Earthquake: While Riding Rini, builds up a lot of extra speed. She subsequently turns on her axis and then plants her hands firmly into the ground, using her body to shove an extreme burst of vibration into the ground thus disrupting it. Causing breaks and cracks in the ground for a small length of time.

Ruptured Air: Instead of forcing the vibrations downwards and into the ground, Rini forces them outwards with a kick. From her ATs the vibrations are rather direct and have the ability to shatter bones and break windows without any thought. Beyond that she can do this with her fist. Making it a trick which is useful regardless of the distance between her and her target.