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View Full Version : [Tar King] Tsukino Mukuro

03-26-2016, 07:59 AM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4300/35182852304_ff71617336_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VAZjeN)

Personal Information

Name: Tsukino Mukuro
Alias: Tar King | Daemon Spade | Muu | Muko
Age: 20
Height: 6' | 183 cm
Weight: 138 lbs | 63 kg
Hair Style: Mukuro sports a pineapple hairstyle. His hair is long enough to fall below his waist, and is tied at the tips to form a distinctive dolphin-tail split.
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Violet

For no particular reason, Mukuro is a vegan. In spite of this, it has been commented that he enjoys the flavor of real meat
His favorite food is eggplant, and he hates spicy foods
His favorite colors are black and purple
Upon meeting a person, he will often "scan" them, using elements of their appearance to arrive at astonishingly accurate conclusions about their past or personality
He enjoys dancing and is capable of, at the very least, waltzing and a passable jazz pirouette.
Mukuro seems to hate the seemingly vast difference between his intelligence and that of others around him
Mukuro's attention to detail is noted as being flawless
He has what he calls a "mind palace" which allows him to remember every piece of information he has ever taken in
There is some very common knowledge that Mukuro does not have, as he claims to have "deleted" things he deemed unimportant to lock away more useful thoughts


Rider Information

Rider Shadow:
Road: Tar Road
Type: Trick
Team: The Black Order | Vongola

R.E.A.D. Layout

R.E.A.D. Level:
Rider Class: Special A-Class

Tar Regalia: Fossil Tombstone - Mukuro's Regalia appears to be a standard pair of ATs with skull imprints at the center of each front wheel, and no tread material on the hind wheels. The Regalia reaches its active state via grinding and revving from a standstill. When the conditions are met, the front wheels fan out into three large blades which tear asunder the ground as he rides. The debris from this is then superheated and converted into a tar-like substance by the ATs' hind wheels.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4302/35182850694_3781f34c07.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VAZiL3)

Infinity Atmosphere:


Tar Projectiles - Globules of hot tar are launched toward the opponent. Mukuro is also able to solidify these in the air to batter his target with hardened chunks.

Black Sarcophagus - Mukuro encases his opponent in tar, then causes it to quickly solidify, entrapping the opponent in the hardened material.

Phantasmal Effigy - After being exposed to enough hot tar, the mind becomes susceptible to disorientation. Mukuro takes advantage of this by creating humanoid tar structures which take on the role of clones, both to confuse the opponent further, and to increase the effectiveness of his tricks by spreading more tar.

Lethargic Mucilage - A trick that begins in a similar manner to Black Sarcophagus. Instead of solidifying the tar, though, Mukuro adds more tar and more heat. Full exposure to this trick causes the mind to process the passing of time much slower during its attempts to compensate during its overheating. This can reach such extremes that one could be damaged several minutes before even realizing what has occurred to them.

Corpse Eating Crows - Mukuro's strongest offensive trick. It forms ravenous crows made of tar that "eat" his opponents. The first time Mukuro tried this attack, he couldn't adjust it properly because it came out too powerful, and the birds exploded upon contact.