View Full Version : Lilith Serafina Blackthorn

08-04-2016, 09:47 AM

Personal Description

Name: Lilith Serafina Blackthorn
Age: 22
Gender: F
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 148 lbs
Misc: Black snake (tattoo like) birthmark that stretches from her left hip up to her right shoulder in a slithering motion.
Personality: She gives no fucks. Mostly keeps to herself.


Quantity of Magoi: 5/5
Fighting Ability: 3/5
Physical Strength: 2/5
Technique: 4/5
Leadership Ability: 2/5

Abilities heat, water and wind magic. Uses space time magic to teleport.

Heat Magic allows Mages to utilize heat energy in other ways flames as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their wands or vessels, and manipulate them. Red Magicians are capable of generating superheated flames in a form of energy or solid. Flame attacks work by burning the opponents to various degrees them based on used Magoi. User can destroy the ground and targets, reduce them to ashes with enough heat. Users of this Magic are also able to change the shape and color of fire. Heat Magic can be used to create boiling steam when utilized with Water Magic.

Water Magic allows Mages to utilize water and its variations as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their wands or vessels, and manipulate them by gathering water from the moisture in the air. Blue Magicians are able to use water to generate steams which disperse or reflect Light Magic, create water spheres around oneself to attack and defend from an enemy. Users of this Magic are also able to change the shape of water into the various different forms such as spears, dragon etc. Water Magic can be used to create boiling steam when utilized with Heat Magic. It can be used to evaporate the water (also can be said blood) inside the body of vicinity.

Wind Magic allows Mages to utilize air, more specifically, wind as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their wands or vessels, as well as to manipulate the wind around them at their will. Wind Magic grants them high offensive power, allowing them to assault enemies in different ways: the most prominent aspect of such Magic lies in the ability to give the wind cutting properties, manifesting it in the form of fast-moving air blades which are employed at mid-to-long range; they can also generate powerful gusts of wind to inflict blunt damage upon enemies and send them flying away, and even form hurricanes of various scales, which, in addition to their rotational power, seem to retain his wind's signature sharpness. Users of this Magic are also able to augment other Magics by manipulating the air such as cold, fire or vibrations. Users can also employ the wind on other people to levitate them and traverse over short distances.

"Magic Barrier" is said to be the proof of a Magician. It is a defensive ability. It uses Magoi to cover the user's surroundings to block out attacks with evil intentions. It also blocks out most physical attacks and magical attacks to some degree. Its strength, however, depends on the person. If the Borg is attacked by immense physical strength, then it can be crushed/destroyed.

Equipment black and purple wand. magical emerald amulet (with black chain) that produces a barrier.