View Full Version : [King Vessel] Yusef Kaiser

08-12-2016, 09:07 AM

Personal Description

Name: Yusef Kaiser
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs


Quantity of Magoi: 5/5
Fighting Ability: 4/5
Physical Strength: 4/5
Technique: 3/5
Leadership Ability: 3/5
Wisdom: 3/5



Baal is the Lightning Djinn that Yusef obtained when he conquered the 1st Dungeon. Baal is the Djinn of Wrath and Heroes. This Djinn dwells in the sword he carries with him. He is able to attack with the element lightning by his Metal Vessel.


Djinn Equip: In this form, Yusef takes on the appearance of a dragon and gets two horns and a jewel on his forehead and an elaborate necklace along with blue scale-like armor over parts of his body and a long tail. In this equip, Sinbad gains the sword of Baal, Bararaq Saiqa. The sword has a guard around the hilt similar to that of the claw of Baal with blue scales.


Bararaq (Lightning): Yusef summons lightning from his sword to strike the opponent. This attack can be used in full Djinn equip or simply in weapon equip. The extent of the power of this magic has been seen to be capable of destroying a chain of mountains in one blast.

Bararaq Saiqa (Lightning Sword): When Yusef uses this Metal Vessel, he draws lightning down from the sky. Once the lightning has been summoned and stored in the sword, it releases an enormous lightning blast able to fill the sky with light. The flash of the lightning strikes near instantly.

Bararaq Inqerad-Saiqa (Lightning Sword of Extinction): When this Extreme Magic is used, an enormous blade of concentrated lightning in the form of Yusef's weapon is released from above to impale anything below it.