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View Full Version : Padmini Shakir

08-18-2016, 12:07 PM

Personal Description

Name: Padmini Shakir
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Affiliation: Sindria


Quantity of Magoi: 4
Fighting Ability: 4
Physical Strength: 2
Technique: 4
Leadership Ability: 4
Wisdom: 3


Light Magic: Light Magic allows Mages to utilize light as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their wands or vessels, and manipulate them. Orange Magicians are capable to generate light beams which harm and burn the oppenents. Light Magic is capable of casting various illusions, whether it be to change one's appearance or implanting an image in the mind of various persons. Users of this Magic are also able to generate a protective barrier of light. Light Magic can be dispersed by a steam wall created by Water Magic or be reflected by a mirror.

Wind Magic: Wind Magic allows Mages to utilize air, more specifically, wind as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their wands or vessels, as well as to manipulate the wind around them at their will. Wind Magic grants them high offensive power, allowing them to assault enemies in different ways: the most prominent aspect of such Magic lies in the ability to give the wind cutting properties, manifesting it in the form of fast-moving air blades which are employed at mid-to-long range; they can also generate powerful gusts of wind to inflict blunt damage upon enemies and send them flying away, and even form hurricanes of various scales, which, in addition to their rotational power, seem to retain his wind's signature sharpness. Users of this Magic are also able to augment other Magics by manipulating the air such as cold, fire or vibrations. Users can also employ the wind on other people to levitate them and traverse over short distances.

*Clairvoyance Magic: Clairvoyance Magic allows Mages to tell the past or future, communicate over long distances, view current events in different locations, show memories of a user to other people and many other variations. It is a Magic that is used mostly to gather the truth on a subject or matter, since this magic always shows the truth and cannot be altered.
