View Full Version : [Water Queen] Jinx

03-27-2016, 08:22 PM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4528/38978156391_0ae9ffd808_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/22oneVa)

Personal Information

Name: Kirigumo Kasumi
Alias: Water Queen | Jinx | Bubblegum | Bubble Butt | Jailbird
Age: 27
Birthday: February 14th | Aquarius
Race: Gravity Child
Height: 5'7" | 170 cm
Weight: 145 lbs | 66 kg
Hair Style: longer than her body, and worn in two symmetrical pigtails at the back of her neck braided tightly and bound at the ends by magenta rubber bands.
Hair Color: Sky Blue
Eye Color: Magenta
Attire: Jinx is prone to wearing a small bikini top and short shorts. Her outfit is also very heavily focused upon an exploding theme as her belts are lined with bullets as well as her top. On her right arm she wears a long magenta sleeve and on each hand are finger-less black gloves. She is prone to wearing sky blue nail polish on her fingers and toes.

Jinx is a mega bitch. She is always fussing or yelling about something and seems content to call any random stranger or friend by a bigoted nickname on sight without any explanation. Her first opinion of someone is the most lasting and it takes a very specific kind of person to get the young woman to reconsider her thoughts about them. Along with this comes a rather contradictory nature. Jinx often feels the need to push against anything she can't figure out immediately particularly if she likes someone because deep down she's afraid that she doesn't deserve that kind of attention from anyone, because she knows she's difficult to deal with. She is most often considered to be 'burning both ends against the middle', when dealing with people, meaning that she is often nice but usually expecting some kind of backlash when she manages to be kind. At best, she can be seen as passive-aggressive at worst she's a touch manic. Beyond that Jinx shows signs of an obsessive-compulsive disorder which she quells by doing destructive things, usually just to spite whoever has pissed her off the most in the most recent few moments. This has lead to several stints in jail for petty crimes and more serious assaults, though if you ask her about it, she's never actually started any of the altercations that have landed her in jail. In spite of all that seems bad about the personality of this particular young woman, she seems to adore her friends, mostly because they put up with her craziness without judgement. With this in mind she will do anything for someone she considers to be her friend. When surrounded by friends she shows nothing but a vibrancy for life and a creativity. She dislikes being alone, but doesn't like to pressure people into hanging out with her and will most often appear in a random public place when she is feeling lonely. That being said she doesn't like the approach of people she is not seeking, and is known to respond rather violently to unwanted advances.


Jinx is noted as having the best legs of her generation.
She seems to enjoy blueberries and all things blue in color.
She allows the Flame King to spoil her, even though she is often taken aback by his kindness.
Though she's held many jobs, Jinx's actual job is that of an established tattoo artist.
When Jinx is lonely she will appear somewhere she knows someone will appear, and act like she had no idea they were going to be there.
Jinx is most likely to commit a crime for a just reason. Taking the consequences onto herself as a form of kindness.


Rider Information

Rider Shadow:
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4682/38978306271_f15f24be96_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/22oo1ti)
Road: Lather Road | Ripple Road
Type: Trick
Team: Sleeping Forest

Rainbow Eye - Jinx has an advanced form of eye sight which creates a halo of deep blue rippling wave in her eyes on the outer ring and the inner ring retains its normal magenta light. This allows her to see the flow of liquids within things and give he more finite control of the liquids in people's bodies. Beyond that she can accurately see the light in fluid particles...
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4548/38262656354_18f7784787_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/21i97FC)

R.E.A.D. Layout

R.E.A.D. Level: 777
Rider Class: Special A-Class
Regalia: Water Regalia: Heirloom Torrent V0 - The Water Regalia looks like a standard pair of ATs but instead of two standard wheels it has three wheels which look like small off-road tires. These wheels, are set up in a straight line with the two towards the front being smaller and the one in the back being larger. This larger back wheel is free hanging and moves a lot to allow for the creation of bubbles. When active the middlemost wheel shifts from the center of Jinx's foot moving under and around the hind wheel to become the back most wheel and further aid in the creation of bubbles through the manipulation air pressure through water vapor. But a few requirements must be met for Jinx to properly activate her regalia. The first of which is that there is a humidity level of the atmosphere around her that must be reached this is 90 percent, as it creates the necessary vapor required for true condensation. Beyond that in order to give her wheels the room needed to shift properly she has to be leaned forward and balancing completely on her front wheel... leaving her front open to attack while she activates.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4644/27201283249_8f2e33683f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/HrFFQe) Beyond this, the pieces of this Regalia have recently been modified to match the young woman's body and her run's rhythm making it so that she's able to use it at maximum efficiency like it was back when she was within the Tower of her Generation.

Infinity Atmosphere: Infinite Eruption: Bubblegum Crisis - The Infinity Atmosphere of the Lather Road, is achievable only when the Water Regalia itself is active. It supersaturates the atmosphere around Jinx leading to the ease of creation of the bubbles her road is known for creating, but beyond that it allows her the freedom to create the largest and most explosive of bubbles. The creation of such a bubble requires and 8:2 pressure variation within each bubble giving it density to resist gravity outside the tower while maintaining its shape and increasing its explosive power because the internal spin has been increased by so much. This is applied to all bubbles created by the young woman while her Regalia is active and with this in mind the bubbles are longer lasting and much more dangerous and thus the Bubblegum Crisis (not to be confused with the trick of the same name).


Bubblegum Crisis - A trick which allows Jinx to create bubbles of various size by pumping rotating air within the confines of a water bubble. This increases the explosive potential of the bubbles when they are disturbed and contributes to their overall nature. These bubbles can be made, even if her regalia isn't active, but are harder to do when it isn't. Beyond that there is the matter of them being easily disturbed by solid objects, gravity and even the wind and as such they are quite the volatile attack method.

Bubble Net - Unlike what its name implies the bubble net, is actually one large bubble created on principles of the wing and lather roads used together. Basically the ability to wrap water around a condensed pocket of air. The Water Queen can then manipulate the water used to make the bubbles, causing an implosion (should she use it against someone else) to cause them damage. She can also use it on herself, to deflect and absorb attacks which come her way. She can also simply bend the light around herself and the bubble causing herself and whoever else is within it to go invisible for the duration of the trick if she so chooses.

Water Clones - A trick taken straight from Kurama during their childhood. Jinx uses the water held in the atmosphere or splashed up around herself to create intangible clones. These clones are more or less used for a distraction to visually lead astray an opponent while the main copy takes a different direction when she feels like it is advantageous. Up to this point she's been shown to make a maximum of 6 of these clones at a time.

Blood Bubbles - These are special bubbles created with Kasumi's on blood instead of just water. They are denser and more viscous when created this way, making them explode more with more impact than a regular bubble of the same size. And because they are made of her own blood, her control over the time of their explosion is even more precise. The only limit on blood bubbles is the amount the Water Queen has within her body.

Exploding Rain - Jinx has the ability to make rain drops, or any condensed water around her, explode within a set radius. This seems to extend only to external water sources and given that the rain drops are blasted they don't have as much of a physical effect as the creation of her bubbles.

Exploding Water - Jinx has been shown to be able to blow up large quantities of water in its pooled or stationary form. When she does this it seems exceedingly combustive and it is yet uknown if there is a limit to how much water can be exploded in this way. But it was at least enough to completely damage a large hot-tub.

Water Tiara - Jinx has the ability to create a crown of bubbles around the head of her targets. As these targets depressurize they are likely to die from the contradiction of pressure within their heads if the attack goes off.

Ripple - The advancement of Jinx's road, allows her the ability to create what she calls a ripple but it could more accurately be described as an Anti-bubble. Instead of water being wrapped around gas, it is a small bit of gas wrapped around a pressurized bit of water. The ripple then has the same quality as water droplets found in the atmosphere allowing light to pass through it and reflect back, giving it the same frequency as a rainbow and allowing the girl to manipulate the image of herself and others through an illusion created by this light bending. It has many applications which she uses, but also allows her to more directly manipulate the flow of water within the bodies of her opponents in a very accurate way.

Ripple Cutter - A trick which creates anti-bubbles out of liquid and makes them rather flexible and viscous. It makes it so the Water Queen can control them with her flow ability even outside the body and allows her the speed and agility to do so with enough precision to meet and explode other projectiles. It is also the base for a team-up trick she has with her own Sky Queen.

Foam - A trick of Jinx's which allows her to create anti-bubbles in people's bodies. These anti-bubbles are very small and can be used to damage people from the inside. The damage can be minor used to cause dehydration, or major making holes in people for them to bleed out of. The nature of this trick and its overall massiveness are determined by the proximity of the young woman to her target. This advancement is oddly controlling and patient as it requires the young woman's timing to be precise.

Black Water Mist - This trick uses the principles of her 'Foam' trick to a different extreme. Jinx, dehydrates her own blood causing it to become more explosive in nature and explodes it as she would a blood bubble. Only now because the particles are dehydrated they can spread further and they don't properly disperse when they are exploded. Instead these powerful explosions are made into tinier particulate matter which turns into a deep red mist which can be controlled exploded by the young woman via the same techniques she uses to control her own blood. The 'Black Water Mist' is seen as the ultimate use of a ripple.

Flow - Aside from the Water Queen's general ability to see and manipulate bubbles in people's bodies. She has the ability to manipulate the flow of fluids within an individual. Such manipulation leads her to having the ability of forcing the movements of people's limbs. This is most easily seen with the way she uses herself to force someone into a movement which mirrors her own, giving her the ability to make it so that someone will move into an attack or even out of the way of one, if she's feeling particularly generous.

Zone Trick :: Exploding Bodies - While in the Zone, Jinx shows the ability to be able to finitely manipulate the water in the bodies of living things. Beyond that if bubbles are created within the blood streams of those beings she can use this trick to explode given body parts from within.