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View Full Version : [Cache Bandits] Kagami Akemi

12-28-2016, 01:22 PM

Personal Information

Name: Kagami Akemi
Alias: Gem Queen | Thief Queen | Ruby
Age: 23
Birthday: July 20th | Cancer
Height: 5'4" | 168 cm
Weight: 119 lbs | 54 kg
Hair Style: Pony tail with a bow clipping bangs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Golden
Attire: Generally seen wearing a small bikini top black in color with red flames. And a small pair of white shorts with a belt. When not wearing her regalia she's seen in a pair of thigh high white boots with several cuts made into the sides.

Recently Akemi's personality has been undergoing a bit of a shift. Originally she seemed to be the type of person who would steal from someone who trusted her specifically to help her own goals. She didn't care who got hurt in the process of chasing her own dreams and seemed to use people as she saw fit. The one shining quality of her personality seemed to be a bit of an attachment she had to her boyfriend's younger sister, who she thought of as a little sister. Beyond this point it seems that her interactions with people seem to be on the way to righting her personality problems. But she's still very much a thief at heart, and her team is made on the idea of stealing parts and wrecking people's lives if they can't win them honestly. She's immoral but a seemingly fun loving person on the brink of something new... Recently she hasn't even tried to do anything other than conduct parts wars fairly and it has caused some unrest among the less savory of her crew.


Is a thief to pass the time and make the Parts War a worthwhile endeavor.
One of her main strategies of attack seems to be trying to get less known members of her team onto the Black Order.
She had a child while she was a teenager and passed it off as her younger sibling.
Her only goal in life is to make money and live happily, even if that goal compromises other people's happiness.
She works as a hostess at a maid cafe.


Rider Information

Rider Shadow:
Road: Jade Road
Type: Trick
Team: Cache Bandits

R.E.A.D. Layout

R.E.A.D. Level: 330
Rider Class: B - Class

Is in possession of a regalia which was made for her by the First Generation Pledge Queen Angel. It doesn't have a name but is a pair of ball roller style ATs with one proper wheel and when deployed it swivels from its position around the AT allowing her the ability to retain movements while pulsing vibrations into the ground. The core blossoms into a transducer which allows for the creation of many pulses without the limitations on movement of the original Gem Regalia.

Infinity Atmosphere: Infinite Tremor - Creates a tremor in the ground and applies the principles of piezoelectricity to enemies. Akemi tends to use it to induce paralysis on other riders, but it seems to have offensive capabilities as well. The vibrations are strong enough that they may be used to destroy even metal.


Shard Bullets - Akemi uses the effects of Gaia Road to force pieces of the ground upward. She follows up with a kick of wind sending them flying at her opponents. This trick may be confused with the Moonstruck Numberless Grappler as Akemi is surrounded by a shadow army of skeletons.

Infinite Stratum - Ensnaring Suffocation - Akemi creates a tremor in the ground and applies the principles of piezoelectricity to her enemies. This appears to be an alternate version of Infinite Tremor, however, its seems to affect the surrounding air as well.

Infinite Stratum - Gravito Suffocation - A cluster of air is hardened and dropped onto the enemy.