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View Full Version : [Keyblade Keeper | Anguis Union] Yuri

02-02-2017, 09:04 AM
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7910/46992342821_8c1a0ed789_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2eAy3kg)

Personal Information

Name: Yuri
Age: 16
Appearance: His hair is two-toned, being uniformly violet with pink underneath - his fringes extending to frame his face, with two pointing upwards. His outfit appears to be an officer's uniform of sorts, consisting of a purple and light blue waistcoat, pink cravat, a two-part cape of red and purple, a purple abbreviated coat with thick cuffs and gold shoulder bands with an amber-colored setting, fastened at the collar bone, and light blue pants tucked into silver-tinted leather boots.
Homeworld: Daybreak Town

Combat Ability

Dive Choice: Wisdom
Class: Warrior
Union: Anguis
Rank: Keyblade Warrior


HP: 2
Focus: 3
MP: 3
Strength: 3
Magic: 3
Defense: 2


Limit Break Starve Venom - Yuri's Limit involves a sort of curse placed on himself. To trigger it, he first requires the creation of a minefield of orbs laced with darkness across a nearby area. As enemies come into proximity of these orbs, they explode and deal concussive damage while applying the effects of the darkness itself. While one would be led to believe this is the extent of Yuri's Limit, its true power shows itself when the residual energy returns to Yuri's body, giving him the sensation felt by the orbs at the moment of their explosion. In short, the minefield is no more than a way to get a feel for Yuri's opponent, that he might absorb the cast-off energies of his own Limit and use it to imitate the powers of that which the mines were exposed to, effectively allowing him to turn himself into a copy of his target(s) in the aftermath while retaining his own natural abilities as well.



Guilty Crown
Description: Guilty Crown has a short, white handle and a diamond-shaped, black guard. The top of the guard is decorated by two magenta teardrop-shapes. The tip and base of the shaft are white, while the center is purple. It is lined by three diamond-shaped gaps and black, concave edges. The head of the blade is silver, and the teeth are comprised of three large, magenta, teardrop-shaped spikes with black edges. The Keychain token resembles the teeth, and is comprised of three small, teardrop-shaped spikes that are magenta with black edges. Purple and yellow flowers and yellow stars are emitted when the blade strikes.
Type: Elemental
Special Ability: Guilty Crown is a magical Keyblade which feasts on the damage its user's spells inflict on enemies, using the energy it converts from said feast to cast a replica of the spell used immediately after the first spell takes effect. Beyond this, it passively boosts the user's magical reserves to allow a stronger initial cast, as to make the user capable of offering Guilty Crown a greater feast by inflicting more magical damage.
Formchange: Elemental Form

