View Full Version : [Vice-Captain] Oishi Megumi

06-21-2017, 10:05 PM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4264/34928660704_b58179400f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/VdwvW1)

Personal Profile

Name: Oishi Megumi
Age: 1300

Height:1.7 m | 5'7"
Weight: 56kg | 124lbs
Hair Style/Color: Blonde hair kept in a bun with loose bangs
Eye Color: Blue

While inside the 4th Division, Megumi is known to wear a short nurse's uniform with a small pink bra underneath. While out and about she wears the standard Shinigami Shihakusho with a short black skirt substituted for the hakama.


Combat Profile

Division: 4th Division
Rank: Vice-Captain

Combat Style:


Youseishirio (妖精尻尾, Fairy Tail) in its sealed form is a nodachi with a long blade, and a white and black hilt. Coming off the hilt is a white braided tassel which seems to be merely decoration. Its guard is silver with two large peaks which look like the swirling end of a creatures tail on both ends.

Shikai: At the command, Kagayou, (耀う, Shimmer), the nodachi gains a white glow which seems to permeate the entire length of its blade. Releasing its power and adding to its strength.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4308/36022307625_06e39593f8_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WTaK4p)

Shikai Special Ability: The light emitted from the blade is a form of energy which Megumi uses to enhance her attacks. Beyond this there are several particular applications of this energy which she makes use of individually.

Kinkan (菌輪, Fairy Ring) - is a ward created by the utterance of this word from the energy of Megumi's blade. This energy turns away enemies and acts as a barrier for Megumi so that she can heal or protect herself or others. It is said by those who try crossing this barrier that it leaves a burning sensation against the skin when they are locked outside of it. But it is a calming and rejuvenating warmth if it is created around them instead.

Akari (明かり, Glow) - This ability causes her blade to glow more actively. Doing so, emitts a healing light which is able to restore the bodies of those within. This is limited to healing wounds which could heal in the first place, and won't raise the dead or anything like that. Even so, it is an incredibly strong form of healing though somewhat taxing for Megumi to use.


Bankai Special Ability: