View Full Version : [5th Seat] Housen Ryofu

07-01-2017, 12:08 AM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4050/35769298595_55c3f3a683_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WuP1hK)

Personal Profile

Name: Housen Ryofu
Age: 190

Height: 5'4"
Weight: ???
Hair Style/Color: Ryofu has green hair which is always tied into pig tails.
Eye Color: Green

Combat Profile

Division: 4th
Rank: 5th Seat

Combat Style:


Nyuusenjo (入仙女, Injection Fairy): Ryofu's Zanpakutou is a standard katana with a purple hilt and sheath. It has a silver guard made of multiple vertical rings, and a silver ring on its pommel as well.

Shikai: Its release command is Kagayaku (輝く, Glitter). Nyuusenjo's Shikai state is a syringe filled with Ryofu's Reiryoku. Its total length is roughly that of Ryofu's forearm.
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4411/37126018452_750883edf6_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/YyGxQq)

Shikai Special Ability: The syringe is filled with Ryofu's Reiryoku, and can apply it to anyone it is injected into via various means. It is most commonly used to refuel a comrade's reserves to help along the healing process when Ryofu is tending to them, but it is also able to be used offensively by inserting Reiryoku into an enemy and ravaging their body from the inside.


Bankai Special Ability: