View Full Version : [Daughter of Apollo] Amethea

08-12-2017, 11:49 AM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4347/36471531406_bcdb09ff42_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/XyS8D1)

Personal Profile

Name: Amethea
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Apollo

Weight: 105 lbs
Height: 5'1''
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Hair Style: Short, messy bob
Eye Color: Red
Attire: Usually wears the chain like clothing, which doesn't cover much.
Miscellaneous: She has a birthmark in the shape of the sun to represent her bond with her father, on her right thigh.

Powers & Abilities

Transformation: Because her mother was a wolf, Amethea can transform into a gigantic wolf beast which stands as tall as a one story house.
Animal Instinct: Because Amethea is half wolf, her sense are more acute than the average human. This is useful for hunting and tracking people and animals.
Berserker: On the night of the full moon, if her collar were to be removed, she's loses her sense of humanity having the beast within collide with her powers received by Apollo. She becomes a savage, humamoid, like wolf twice her size, with flaming fur.
Healing Saliva: Being both of canine decent and of Apollo, Amethea has gained Saliva that heals herself and others.

Godly Possessions

Collar of the Beasts Soul: This collar suppresses and separates the wolf and human forms of her soul.
Sun Hallowed Arrow Heads: These where given to Amethea as a present from her father. These convert light into energy that she can throw towards enemies in the form of slashes. She can place them over her claws and cut through the light using it as a weapon.

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4387/35683242274_d073e27bc7_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/WncWK5)