View Full Version : Kagara Gremory

06-24-2018, 09:16 AM
https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1830/42915989912_ff3cd5e53d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/28okECy)

Name: Kagara Gremory (nee: Bael)
Nicknames: Flaxen Haired Madame of Extinction
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Race: Pure Blooded Devil
Affiliations: Bael Clan | Gremory Clan

Kagara has short and stylish and wavy blond hair, blue eyes, full lips, and a beauty mark located under the right side of her mouth. She is well known for her curvaceous figure; her most distinctive feature of it is her very large breasts (common in females in her family and passed down to her daughter). She dresses in black and white robes, which hang loose for her ample bosom to be revealed. These robes also have a high split up the right leg revealing the whole of it when she moves. She wears a thin golden necklace tucked between her cleavage and a long pink scarf over her shoulders.


Kagara seems to be a dignified member of the upper society of Devils. She seems to always have a manner of calm and enjoys strange activities like gardening and playing with her grandson. She seems to have a pension for teasing people which her daughter also does, though she seems to do this in a slightly less direct way. She is not the slightest bit modest about her appearance, frequently referring or complaining about her large breasts in normal casual conversation, much to the embarrassment/amusement of anyone around at the time. At the same time, she has a very serious side which manifests itself when she is angered and strikes fear in the hearts of those who have the sense to understand how dangerous she can be, including her husband and children.

Ranking: Ultimate Class Devil | Duchess of Gremory

Powers & Abilities:

Immense Demonic Power: Kagara is powerful enough to be known as the strongest woman from the house of Bael of all time. When angered she can release an enormous black aura capable of sending opponents flying.

Power of Destruction (滅びの力, Horobi no Chikara): Coming from the Bael Clan, Kagara can use the Power of Destruction. In its base form this is powerful, but she is also shown to use a different variation of it which is much more 'frightening'.

All-Killing Ashes: Kagara crushes the power of Destruction into dust and uses it in this form for manuverability and weight. Each little granule is a tiny piece of this power. And when it coalesces it becomes an instantly penetrating death. She can seep this into a being and destroy them from the inside, use it as cover to move about a battlefield or even shape it into weapons to wield that all bear the instantaneous killing attribute attributed to her brand of destruction.
