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View Full Version : [Knight] Saira Danatalion

06-27-2018, 04:36 AM
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/923/42132292785_9ffb1865a0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/27c61M8)

Name: Saira Dantalion
Nicknames: Sai
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Blood Devil
Affiliations: Sirtreize Lucifer | Gremory Clan

A girl with a busty figure and short stature. Her raven hair is kept in a high ponytail with bangs framing her face. Beyond this she is most often seen in a white uniform with a tight fitted top and a short skirt. She wears a pair of high boots also white in color.


Ranking: Knight | High-Class Devil

Powers & Abilities:

Demonic Power: As a Devil, Saira has all the common skills and powers of one.

Expert Swordsman: She is shown to be a skilled swordsman.

Enhanced Speed: As a Knight, Saira possesses enhanced speed and mobility.

Magic Talent: She is also proficient in using magic, as she is a magic swordsman.

Flight: Being a Devil, Saira can use her wings to fly.


Gravity Jail: Unlike most Sacred Gears which have a physical form, Gravity Jail lacks one as it is located within the eyes of the user, although the user's eyes will glow upon activation of the Sacred Gear. Gravity Jail grants the user the ability to increase or decrease the gravity of anything within their line of sight. The duration of the effect depends on the user's mastery over the Sacred Gear, Saira can hold this for an undetermined amount of time.