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View Full Version : Shinki

08-06-2018, 05:48 AM
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/849/43876903851_f5f1ca0b53_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/29RfASg)

Name: Shinki
Nicknames: Shin
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Kitsune
Affiliations: Kyoto | Night Parade

Shinki is a young girl with honey blonde hair and golden eyes. She dresses a bit like a shrine maiden though instead of wearing red, she favors blue. She also has a bit of mainland influence in her clothing choices, as she wears a single over shirt with a split around her navel which is royal blue with white designs and separate white sleeves on each arm. Her outfit is complete by ruffled hakama which are white with blue trim. Her clothing choices are considered strange as blue is generally considered a masculine color among Kitsune.




Powers & Abilities:

Shikigami Manipulation: Shinki has the ability to use Shikigami. She can summon them in the form of weapons, usually favoring small ninja tools. As well as on the mask she wears while she is patrolling. This is most often seen in the form of a small cat shikigami named 'Chen' which keeps her company.

Fox Blue Fire: Being a nine-tailed fox, she is able to use fox fire but is still weak in power due to her young age.

Transformation: Shinki is able to shapeshift to hide her fox ears and tail to appear more human. Shinki has the ability to completely transform from her human form to a fox cub form.

Senjutsu and Youjutsu Expert: Shinki is a very skilled Senjutsu and Youjutsu user, being able to create mirage copies of herself or shikigami to throw her opponents off.
