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View Full Version : [Vice-Captain] Amane Nishiki

10-30-2018, 03:02 AM
https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1904/30685204677_1d3c024a1c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/NKxGi4)


Name: Amane Nishiki
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Amane Nishiki is an androgynous male with violet hair tied in a bun and blue eyes with dark pink eye shadow and red lipstick. He wears a flowing pink and red kimono that exposes his shoulders underneath is sleeveless black skintight turtleneck, black shorts and legwarmers, and red platform sandals. He also sports a translucent pink scarf which appears to levitate through unknown means.
Occupation: Magic knight
Rank: Vice-Captain | 5th Class Senior Magic Knight
Squad: Coral Peacock
Country: Clover Kingdom

Battle Prowess


Thread Magic: Amane uses this form of magic to generate and manipulate thread. He often uses it to mend and alter clothing for his squadmates.

Thread Magic: Dancing Doll 「糸魔法『踊り人形』 Ito Mahō "Odori Ningyō"」: With an open grimoire, the user wraps threads around the target's wrists and ankles and forces them to move as the user wishes.

Red Thread of Fate 「運命の赤い糸 Unmei no Akai Ito」: With an open grimoire, the user creates a cat from red thread. By simply touching a target, the cat can change the outcome of an event to something more favorable for the user. However, the cat only protects those about whom the user cares. Because it is made of thread, the cat can unravel to propel itself quickly and to dodge incoming attacks. The spell drains a large amount of magic power as long as it is active.



Grimoire: Amane possesses a grimoire that contains various thread-based spells.