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View Full Version : Matsuda Masahiko

03-26-2021, 04:47 AM
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51072650961_fdacc7e233_o.png (https://flic.kr/p/2kP7FMB)

Personal Information

Name: Matsuda Masahiko
Online ID: Myst1cPr1nce
Age: 31
Gender: Male

A man with white hair in a clean bowl cut, he has piercing blue eyes and pointy features. He is always well-dressed. Choosing designer everything over anything common. He has a habit of wanting the absolute best.


A spoiled rich boy, he is very used to living the best possible life.
Masahiko smokes cigarettes frequently while he is thinking.
He considers himself to be a foremost developer of pharmaceuticals and is by nature a chemist.
He has no motives beyond his own happiness.
Masahiko's mother is Kujaku Meron, who was abandoned by his father for a younger, stupider woman in the past.
Masahiko is at base a misogynist and chauvinist, and dislikes and discredits women, thus he knew nothing of women before becoming one.

03-26-2021, 04:47 AM
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51129280322_a91c9caa71_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2kU7VHU)

Name: Nerys

A busty white haired female, she has long flowing hair and an hourglass figure with almost maximum proportions. She is most often seen wearing very open robes and a cape, with a large white wizard hat complete with a moving eye within its creases. This outfit has recently changed. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51071950683_6e82089759_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2kP46BR)

Race: Human
Level: 45

Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: E
Mana: A+
Luck: C
Artifact: B

Type: Warrior
Major Class: Caster

Alpha Skill: Echoing Strike: An ability which allows a burst of energy through the arms or legs of the user making them gain penetrative and physical power against obtacles.
Beta Skill: Harmonizing Strike: Technically a healing skill, it allows the user to heal with physical contact in a manner that radiates outwards. Instead of simply healing a wound specifically it recalibrates the targets healing ability adding it to the power places forward, making it a much more useful heal than the standard.
Gamma Skill: Stagnating Strike: A magical burst skill which pulses magic throughout a body from the point of impact. It stops the internal motion of the afflicted slowing them down considerably and making their limbs hard to move. It slowly suffocates, slows heartbeats and even kills brain function long term. A secondary strike can return these functions though they can be stacked multiple times.
Delta Skill: Disintegrating Strike: A magical burst skill which pulses magical energy throughout a target. The point of impact, breaks apart and softens completely leaving a large hole where it hits. It is considered a black magic skill and is fairly difficult to recover once it is enacted. Multiple strikes layer the effect to the point that something could be completely erased in physical form.
Omega Skill: (LV 50)

Minor Class: (LV 51)

Alpha Skill: (LV 60)
Beta Skill: (LV 70)
Gamma Skill: (LV 80)
Delta Skill: (LV 90)
Omega Skill: (LV 100)

Support Skills

Support #1: Divine Body of Knowledge: An skill which belies an extreme knowledge of bodies and physical uses. It allows the user to know how magic flows through the body, how it processes energy and the difference and uses of the innate magics of multiple different kinds of creatures. It can be used both in combat and in creation. Use of this skills allows for better making and crating of objects. Better creation of magically imbued potions and seals...
Support #2: Enchanted Tower Workshop: A support skill which expands upon territory creation. It pulls a special use of a space, as long as it fits the criteria the space itself can be enchanted and imbued with magical quality. It protects the user and allows the quiet workspace they need to dissect and learn more for their crafts. Enchanted Tower Workshop enhances the use of Divine Body of Knowledge.
Support #3: (LV 45)
Support #4: (LV 60)
Support #5: (LV 75)




Primary Weapon:
Offhand/Secondary Weapon:
Accessory #1:
Accessory #2:
Accessory #3:
Artifact: Asclepius: An artifact which generally takes the form of a head piece or wizard hat. It is actually a contract with a specific magical creature or spirit which allows for the conversion of nothing into something else. It is considered a catalyst for 'chemical alchemy' and took a great deal of study to create. It grows with Nerys and has evolved to take on her own form. Initially when using it, it had a mind of its own, choosing when to do something good or bad for her. At this point in its existence, it works a propellant for her healing abilities, helping her perform healing beyond her means. It has taken on the coloration she desires and seems to always be reaching. In its hat form the tentacles created by it, touch and stroke her as she thinks but when it is not on her person it is dormant. Asclepius is considered a 'god' of healing by being associated with Nerys and comes with white and black magic as well as a high level base knowledge of medical and chemical studies.
