Personal Information

Name: Veronica "Ronnie" Corbyn
Online ID: Poison_Serenity
Age: 30
Gender: Female

A tall slender young woman with a lean figure and short cut purple hair. She has purple eyes with catty upturns and a small angular face. She seems to wear model type of clothing or just undergarments at all times and sunglasses when she is trying to hide her identity. Most of the time she is seen she seems slightly dishelved but she is generally seen as beautiful.


  • Ronnie is the elder sister of Nikki, her profession of choice is model.
  • When their parents died when Nikki was still underage, Ronnie made it a point to keep her from becoming an orphan.
  • Ronnie is known as the 'worldly' sibling, she is free with her body and spirit and encourages such behavior in her younger sister.
  • She is exceedingly popular with young boys and men and this caused some friction in her relationship with her younger sister at some point.
  • The young woman holds a great respect for her younger sister's opinion and will often consult her for specific things, while making herself available to her 24/7.