The lack of bacon in Kimiko's diet seemed to make Yugi hate her mother. "Yare yare, don't say that..." she said with a somewhat amused smile on her face. "Mama just doesn't want me eating overly fatty cuts of meat," she offered. That had been the explanation she was given. Of course she'd figured there was something more to it than that, but whatever that was, she hadn't found it out yet. Apparently the spoon set made him love and hate her personal assistant. "Oh? I'm sure he'd appreciate that. I wouldn't let him know you can cook though~" she gave that as a fair bit of advice.

Watching Yugi cook though was interesting. He seemed to be doing a great number of things at the same time. What was this though, several steps he was taking was ones she didn't really understand. Bacon strips were cooked but not seasoned. Strange. Skillet was heated up, but he was pouring batter on it. Eggs that was interesting. "Are you making an omelet?" she asked seeming to not understand his process if that was what he was doing. She watched cooking happen a lot and this was something new to her. Kimiko continued to sip coffee as she tried to understand what was happening with that flour mixture. It smelled nice at least.