Kimiko's explanation about the difference in how she was perceived didn't seem to sit well with Yugi. Or rather he seemed to be working his way through it right up until the moment of his claim that he'd figured it out. According to the man next to her, she never looked any bigger to him, that it was just legs. But then he made the claim that, she was pulling people in with her legs and thus making them lower themselves. He even used a certain catchphrase she'd heard him utter before when figuring out some great mystery. "Hoh? You've got me all figured out do you? Well, that knowledge won't help you!~" she said with a false bravado. To be fair, none of this was true at all, it was just a funny thing to say and agree to, and kept them both at ease and joking with each other so why would she change it?

Ah, then there was the joke about the monitor over her bed, which was apparently taken as intended though it wasn't necessarily a joke. The snicker that came from Yugi came with the assertion that it was the laziest expression of privilege he'd ever heard. "Eh? Don't we all do things that make our lives easier. I just want to be comfy watching tv from any angle I feel like it, without giving myself a stiff neck... " she said as if this was even remotely reasonable as a request.

And now more teasing. Her words were enough to give Yugi a great deal of ammunition. He'd figured out that she didn't understand the fountain drink thing. His teasing brought a gentle red tint to her face as she turned her head and sighed. "Well, I still figure it is very different from the image I have of it in my head. But it isn't really my fault... not like I've ever had them before," she said as she pulled her keyboard into her lap. "Left, right or middle?" she asked of the lad giving him the choice of which screen he wanted to go along with his choice of a controller. Beyond that he explained the differences between energy drinks and Kimiko herself was left gently nodding her understanding. "Ah, gamer fuel... that makes way more sense than anything I was thinking. I wonder if that means that limited edition GG stuff I got would be similar to that. In which case, I do have energy drinks I just wasn't really aware of what it was because reasons..." she said with a nod. Of course, there was a specific version of such a thing she had, it came with two starter cups and over 100 servings of BlueLotus Bunny Berry, drink which was caffeinated despite Kimiko having no idea what it was. The collectors items were in her trophy room, behind the door to the left of her bed.