It was no secret that Gilgamesh did not fit into the standards set by mankind. Of course, he was far above such measly things as human expectation, in every regard! With that sort of mindset, however, even he did not see the current reason for said strangeness. "Fantastical though I am, the only oddity here, is the likes of you. Queen of Knights, I declare that you are the South to my North. Your ideals shield your eyes from the light you, yourself, emit as freely as the sun. I will become the mirror that reflects that light upon you, and one day, you may be blinded by it as I have been." Yes, the greatest plan was now in play.

Had he grown out of his "less charitable" traits? Any answer was completely subjective, but that was of little importance. Gilgamesh was a king, the King of Heroes and strong-walled Uruk. He could only behave as such, no matter the state of his mind, body and soul. Those who stood above the masses must never put themselves within reach of lesser beings, lest their footing be for naught. In Artoria's case, a very different approach was taken. Her knights were in no way disposable, in no way untrustworthy, yet also not trusted fully without exception. "Hmph," the king murmured. They could not fully disagree on this matter, surprisingly. He did not surround himself with soldiers for protection against the world at large, as there was no one he would be capable of trusting. However, Gilgamesh had more than enough faith in his own capacity to believe none could do him harm, if they even had the audacity to try. That is... until Enkidu fell. Only then, for a time extending even to the present, did he know fear of death. Even then, it was only the gods who wielded the potential. Choosing not to harp on these matters for long, he stood. "Humanity. To have faith in one's brethren while harboring no faith at all in those same brothers... That is beneath me," he surmised. A hand extended to the bedridden woman sporting that dress of fine lapis lazuli, and his gaze remained stagnant cast over her. "Come then, Knight-Queen. Cleanse yourself in the great baths of this citadel, don the robe suited to its future queen, and see the return of your blade."