Personal Information

Name: Hoshimi Kazue
Online ID: StarLightMom
Age: 47
Gender: Female

A middle aged woman with silvery blonde hair, she maintains a youthful appearance with sharp blue eyes. She is known to possess a severe visage most of the time, but that is because she seems to be obsessively neat.


  • Hoshimi Kazue is the mother of the Hoshimi Children.
  • She is the reason all their names match, giving them all a single syllable off her own name.
  • Her one hope for her children is that they will all get to retire to happiness, like she did.
  • Kazue took an interest in knights and knightly behavior because she witnessed her children playing AoE.
  • Though she is responsible for all of their personality issues, she is sure they will all eventually grow out of them as she did.