Now, Ereshkigal was just laying in the bottom of a tub, glowing brightly and inspecting herself. Strangely enough, she wasn't the only one taking in some form of newness about themselves. Of course, Sukuna seemed to be looking at her and seeing something he hadn't before. Given the amount of curiosity in his tone she could make a few assumptions about what he was asking. Ah, and share the information while her hands traced her own skin. "Um, could be a couple of things. I'd say it was Death Sense but I doubt that would function when looking at me..." she hypothesized but her words seemed somewhat spaced out just as she did staring up into the roof she'd so recently repaired. "I suppose you could have ended up with a variation of my empathy which would let you see and feel the emotions of others in their mana," she mentioned seeming to feel strangely about it. "If that's the case, my apologies," she murmured. She felt genuinely bad if he ended up with that one... after all, feeling the emotions of others wasn't always a pleasant thing.

As for that body of hers. Ereshkigal laid in the bottom of that tub seeming to have realized exactly how new this body of hers was. She sat up finally stretching as well... there was a certain new type of contentment to be found in her person, but she couldn't quite place it. It was apparently noted that she felt this way and she came to answer the man in his happiness with an equivalent amount of wonder. "I kind of feel like that, it feels strange... I'm still not really over today. I'm not actually sure this is really something that has happened..." she said seeming to have dissociated a bit over the course of the day. But surely that wasn't actually surprising. In a single day, she'd been in a strange competition, marked by a demon, had some rather dubious sex with said demon, split her soul in two, actually gotten revenge on Ishtar, grown to her full body's potential and actually got to feel satisfied by something. It was a lot to take in.