Sadly for Wukong, he would be hearing nothing more of his own exploits today. The blonde huffed, sitting in the floor with his legs and arms both crossed. "No fun! You sound like Solomon now! I want spoilers!" he griped. Of the group, Wukong had always been the most... childish, so to speak. Ailen watched as he huffed and puffed, only to look as if nothing was wrong mere seconds later. Ah, but perhaps that had to do with the importance of current topics. A student was among them, and her learning took precedence over all other matters. Besides, Wukong seemed satisfied by the idea of telling the girl his exploits later.

With a full diagram produced before her, Anais confirmed her base understanding of the paths. Miwa's display could easily fill in the rest, but it was Ailen's duty as her mentor to further explain. "This is the part where you complete the lesson. The cycles you see before you are four in number... or currently five in a special case. Your starting point is currently my position of Earth, from which you may go the path of promotion, weakening, regulation or overacting, or counteracting. The path you choose will dictate the order of your teaching, which will in-turn affect the way you learn and grow," Ailen explained while Solomon added to Miwa's display. "This is the placement of the Myouou," he added. Solomon produced an image of Ailen over the space marked Earth, Mugen over Metal, Qin over Water, himself over Wood, and lastly Wukong over Fire along the path of inter-promotion. "I assume you've figured out what it means to begin your lessons with Mugen or myself. There are only four visible paths here, though Metal and Wood have been connected to Yin and Yang respectively. To choose Metal in this case, would mean also choosing a natural leaning toward Overacting, which is the extreme of Regulation that moves as such," he continued, creating an inward spiral path in the diagram. "That is the nature of the Forbidden, tainting all future knowledge if not tempered preemptively. However, the Divine is no different and flows in an outward spiral instead. It would be the sixth path, but it has not yet been discovered."