Several hours passed. In that time, there was a third day of relaxation, chatting, planning and the like. Charlemagne had primarily found the time to meditate over his sword before the carriage landed. Astolfo kept up his usual antics whenever he was outside normal view. Ailen, as always, could be found wherever Anais was, until the time for preparing a meal came along. Now that they had landed in open space, it was Yuuya's time to do something at last.

Yuuya's door opened in a very similar way to the Nexus summoning gate Charlemagne and Sakura had seen so recently. Once that double-sided gate was erected, the simple act of opening it showed the inside of a storage room on its other side. A bounded field spawned several meters out from the open door, banning the entrance of all who were not allowed direct passage by Yuuya himself. That field now seemed connected to the door's open state specifically, as opposed to its permanent status around his earlier shack. "There it is. My home should be right on the other side. Whenever you guys are ready..." he said tentatively. Charlemagne saw through the door, and he found it familiar. "Woah, that looks like an awesome collection over there! That stuff's in your house? Looks cool," he stated. Yuuya looked away in that moment. One of the group's members had already seen his abode, but it was embarrassing to think of so many coming along.