According to Sakura, the list of rules for the game of Kings was quite long. He was sure she had no issue retaining them, and equally sure that it wasn't so long a list after all. "It's really not that many. Even the simpler trading card games have way more rules than this," he claimed. Charlemagne failed to realize there were eyes on him for any reason, but he did take note of the music played by Anais's elven mentor. It really wasn't a song suitable to drinking games, but for some reason, Charlemagne couldn't truly claim it was inappropriate for anything. "I like it too. I could drink to it," he said. Ailen had no comment for the appreciation; he would accept it from both parties in silence. For Anais's observation about chord changes, however, he had some choice words. "If you see fit to modify this piece, I would love to hear what you make of it. I, however, cannot change a thing. This melody has great cultural significance; I could not personally bring myself to make changes."

While Ailen continued to play, Charlemagne took note of Anais's new position. He supposed Yuuya wouldn't be moving about very easily, so she must have been placing herself in a better position for the group as a whole. Whether her reason was that or a simple seeking of comfort, he respected the choice. The end of mindless shuffling heralded the summoning of Charlemagne's grail. He needed only one thing, and they could begin. "Annie, cups?" he requested. Placing the deck in his own lap, Charlemagne also took the liberty of drawing and flipping the first card. What he drew was... the four of spades. "Aaaand first round goes to not me! Let's go!" he exclaimed immediately. With that, he'd hold up the grail and prepare to pour two cups right away.

Astolfo was making some headway for what felt... strangely like the umpteenth time today. He wasn't exactly sure where that feeling came from, but it didn't matter; he was having a grand time at present. On the other hand, Martha offered more naysaying. Ah, but something about her statement seemed incomplete. A bit of groping, grinding and nibbling seemed all it took to remove the saint's built-up tension. Glorious progress! Astolfo's lips curled upward around her ear, and he spoke with that ear still between his teeth. "Aha! Looks like something matters!" he stated. If he had his way, Astolfo would soon be in the middle of some juicy scandalous behavior in the middle of the sky. As if to celebrate the chance alone, he let the tongue protrude from his mouth and travel directly into the purple-haired woman's upper ear. "Oooh, but what is it? Something made a difference~♥"