Gamblers were to be hooked, addicted to the act of gambling. However, as a seasoned gambler himself, Hiruko knew the deeper secret. "Yeah, it is. And I'm taking all your chips," Hiruko stated. His trick was more akin to that of a slot machine. Miko had been able to call his bluff previously, but one couldn't pay out every time. No, this one would be a roll of seven... then seven... and then, just at the end, cherries. That single moment of nearly hitting a jackpot was the bane of many gamblers. Miko wasn't going anywhere. No, she'd immediately be putting more money in the machine... or rather, ejecting her tongue to have it inserted into Hiruko's mouth. Playfully, he lashed out against Miko's protruding tongue with his own. After doing so, Hiruko's mouth opened and took her tongue inward before his stroked it repeatedly.

Another series of strokes was being delivered in that moment. Apart from the stroking of a tongue, of folds and of walls, there was the stroke of a pen by one Akaba Reiji in the card shop. He was just about finished with his closing duties, and the seconds toward that final moment were ticking down quickly. "Sales were high today. You've been very good for my business, Tohsaka-chan. Arigatou," he commented upon completing a brief review of the day's income. As for his ability to answer any of her questions, Reiji was asked about a common phrase in the strangest way. He looked toward Sakura with a raised brow. It was odd that she wasn't familiar with the phrase, but he supposed there were weirder things out there. "It's just a saying. All I mean is, don't take my words as gospel in most cases. That's all," he affirmed. As the final seconds ticked, Reiji reached under the counter to acquire cases of the new trading card set. Apart from Sakura's purchase, he would need them displayed there for the next day anyway. "Alright. I may as well grab what you need now. Only one case?"