Rather suddenly, Angelica was on the ground taking some very specific instructions from Charles. All of this was fine, he went about explaining how they'd start this fire using nothing but sticks and stones. How interesting. Ah, but when he settled in to completely explain it leading by example and using the woman's own arms and hands to make the proper movements after she accepted the things needed into her empty palms. She was surprised by something.

The flesh of her back was rather exposed by virtue of her being in a bikini. This wasn't a problem but there was a newfound closeness between herself and Charles which left the man's torso against her back. This wouldn't have been a problem either, but he was also shirtless. She could feel his bare skin against her back and it was warm and muscled and because of her enhanced senses she could also feel his mana through his body. She became overly quiet and seemed to turn into a completely different person. She hadn't expected what it would be like to be in such close proximity. Suddenly, she was feeling rather shy. Her own face had gained a heated tint and she was rather glad he couldn't see her. Oh, but now she was thinking about it and being rather quiet at the same time. What to do? "Uh-huh... so we strip the stick, flatten and end, and carve a little groove. Yes... I understand. I don't know why from the same branch but... I guess I don't have to understand everything..." she mentioned softly. Quite unusual it was for her to skip over information. But she kept her hands moving and tried not to think about the very muscled man pressed against her back. Yep. It was fine. No need to let her mind wander, in a moment like this though, she wondered what such a feeling would mean for the future. Whatever the case, the groove would soon be made and maybe the next set of instructions would be given. What she was doing here and now wasn't exactly pretty but it could be considered functional as she followed his directions and guidance.