According to her father, her given name was a good name. Only a scoff would escape the young woman as he seemed to catch on to the fact that she had no desire to answer to such a ridiculously antiquated and unwieldy name. His closing of his eyes as he banished his thoughts, and his decision to refer to her the way she wished, was something taken as a victory in the mind of the blondish blue haired young woman. "Hmph, if you really think it is so great you use it yourself. It isn't defiance, I have something I wish to be called, I am not asking much. I prefer to be called Angelica and not sound like I was dropped out of some weird century. Perhaps naming isn't truly your strong suit," she said crossing her arms over her chest and holding her head up haughtily.

Just the same, she managed to give a pretty succinct idea about who she wished to marry if the decision of such a thing was being placed into her lap. And it seemed that Father An was familiar enough with her choice. Though he almost slipped up and called her the wrong name, he managed to recover so only received an initial scoff. "He is young but he has done much. It is my opinion that he has a great propensity to promote improvements in attitudes and people. I am familiar with several of his group, and I would not mind them living close to me," she explained of herself. "I would prefer not to inherit this particular palace to be honest... it'd take a lot of energy to make this place livable," she explained of herself and her own desires in this case. She was willing to ignore the fact that her father had truly called her to talk over this information. Still he looked a bit troubling. "I'll take the time, but it's a bit strange to ask me just that..." she said with a shrug. "You look like you should get some sleep though. Next time you could just stop by the Sapphire Palace instead of setting yourself up for a tumble," she explained as she turned to walk away. She'd been dismissed but she was actually more than a little annoyed that she'd actually been called to have such a short conversation. It didn't even come with tea or any regular amount of greeting, her father was such an odd man.