Charles might have thought that Angelica's criteria alone were off. It probably would seem that way since one other person also had those qualifications and a few more. Even so, that didn't change the fact that she thought he'd make an effective leader. Or rather, that he was chosen by people as their leader all the time, and that the role suited him. The fact that he had the presence of mind to doubt himself in any situation was one of the things that made it possible to appreciate him as a person. Surety was good, but having second thoughts was at least good in making sure one didn't do anything they couldn't undo. As that brief thought crossed her mind she was brought back to her thoughts about Jeanne. She'd died but people often came back from the dead. She wondered if that girl had simply decided she no longer wanted to visit anymore.

That rather sad thought aside, there was something more immediately pressing. The catch that Charles was seemingly struggling with was one which Angelica watched with wide eyes. What kind of monstrous creature would it be. Some leviathan style fish monstrous and huge? No. No it wasn't. It was a tiny fish that looked like it was more suited to an aquarium than out in the wild. Seeing that and hearing the utterance of the lack of coolness, Angelica could do nothing but laugh. "Hehehehahaha~" she had a thorough giggle at Charles expense. "It's alright, Charlie. Maybe you should keep it in a little bowl. It's cute at least... and if it's rare it's still worth picking up," she said even though the lad was probably not at all interested in having his ego put back together by someone who'd so recently been laughing at him. It was no matter. It was still a good time. She'd sip from her new mug in the meantime and wait for her next bite.