Personal Information

Name: Fukuyama Hiroshi
Online ID: Just_an_Alchemist
Age: ??? (Presumed early 30s)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Hiroshi has the look of a man in his early 30s with the leftover piercings and clothing style of younger years. He has sharp golden eyes, over which he wears a pair of black-framed reading glasses. His blue hair with black highlights is slick and just slightly unruly at the front. He doesn't know what to think of his own appearance, but his students tend to claim he sports something called "big daddy energy." Not knowing what that truly means, Hiroshi simply takes it as a positive and moves on.
  • With Alaya being his place of origin, Hiroshi laments the lack of alchemical advancements on Gaia.
  • He decided to become a teacher in this world. Much to his distaste, he was downgraded to high school chemistry teacher.
  • Other instructors say his methods are strange. His teaching never comes from a lesson plan or textbook, but instead directly from his mind to sate his students' curiosity. The students seem to appreciate it, but the other teachers...
  • It is rumored that Hiroshi seeks intimate relationships with his students. That is wholly untrue. Though, there is the one student. . .