Personal Information

Name: Totsuka Chika
Online ID: Love_Detective_1000
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Chika is a cute fair-skinned young girl with shoulder-length light pink hair that has a black bow in the middle of her square bangs, blue eyes and she has a larger chest size despite being short. She sometimes ties her hair in a slightly high ponytail. She is normally seen wearing her school uniform dress.


  • Chika is the younger sister of Totsuka Saika
  • Her parents have jobs in the current government (her uncle is the current Prime Minister).
  • She isn't allowed to play video games, but she has taken to playing tabletop games instead.
  • Chika considers herself a Love Detective and Fortune Teller (self-proclaimed) and plays match-maker a lot in spite of any potential social negatives.
  • She is probably quite clever, but chooses to not think about things to much (appearing dumb) to promote her own happiness.