Personal Information

Name: Shirogane Kei
Online ID: ~Oohimegumo~
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Kei is a young girl with waist-length white hair that has bangs swept to the left side, blue eyes and an ashen complexion. She usually wears the freshman school uniform and a frilly hairband with a pearly accessory.


  • Kei is Shirogane Miyuki's younger sister.
  • She really admires Kaguya and is really awkward about it, leading some to believe she has a crush on the girl.
  • Kei is in charge of her family finances and is the Student Council Treasurer.
  • She shows many of the same qualities Miyuki has though hers are often seen in a different light.
  • Kei has brother listed in her contacts as 'Dumbass'.
  • Given her current attitude her family thinks she is going through a rebellious phase.