Personal Information

Name: Sakamoto Sumiko
Online ID: UniversalObserver
Age: 36
Gender: Female

A young woman with brown hair and bright blue eyes. She has a shapely form and wears red framed glasses. She is normally seen dressed in rather conservative business casual attire, but has been known to accessorize in various ways. She is always smiling and is seen as 'approachable' by those who find her company interesting.


  • Sumiko always carries a visual journal with her and often draws, sketches, or makes observations on her day to day life.
  • She became a teacher for a steady income after finishing the base level of her high education.
  • Sumiko teaches middle school art classes.
  • She has an open-door policy which was taken advantage of by a young student for a few consecutive years.
  • As an art teacher she will teach whatever kind of art most interests an individual and her project choices are open enough that any medium of art could be used to receive a grade in her class.
  • She is beloved by her students, but not allowed to teach higher than middle school because of her own limited educational background.