Personal Information

Name: Iino Sosuke
Online ID: Anti-Entropy
Age: 38
Gender: Male

Sosuke is a brunette with matching brown eyes. He often dons a simple outfit: a dress shirt, pants, a scarf, belt, and a long coat. His scarf, pants, and shoes are all black, while his shirt and inner coat are white. His gray coat also has stripes of black in the front, and some on the inner fabric. He wears glasses, but they don't seem to be necessary.


  • Sosuke is the husband of Iino Risa, and father of Iino Miko.
  • His profession is Justice of the Supreme Court.
  • He reports that his college years were full of difficulties. This is likely connected to the story of meeting his (now) wife when studying law.
  • Sosuke was appointed Supreme Court Justice by the Emperor due to being crucial in the exposure of Yamazaki Shinichiro.