Personal Information

Name: Matsumoto Rangiku
Online ID: ~Ogiku_Matsudai~
Age: 32
Gender: Female

A tall blonde haired woman with a narrow face and blue eyes. She has a beauty mark under her very full lips and often wears small rectangular wire framed glasses. She dressed workplace appropriate, with a white collared shirt and a black pencil skirt with black high heels. She is often seen with a small chain with a circular link around her neck and falling into her massive cleavage. She recently cut her hair into a style which frames her face but hangs fairly loosely down to about her collar.


  • Matsumoto teaches Japanese Literature in a high school. She is fairly well-received as a teacher.
  • She has a great fondness for Edo Era Romance stories about warring states and wandering swordsmen.
  • Matsumoto always enjoys a solid ghost story, and encourages creative writing in her students.
  • She is often volunteered to deal with random after school activities as students 'listen' to her.