Personal Information

Name: Salvador Sangre
Online ID: Bad-Man
Age: 30 (?)
Gender: Male
Appearance: With a lean and imposing physique, he carries himself with a regal bearing befitting his divine status. His jet-black hair cascades in untamed waves and interspersed braids around his shoulders, framing a face of sharp, angular features and ominous black eyes that seem to hold ancient secrets. He exudes an air of both sophistication and danger. Despite his human guise, there lingers an uncanny aura about him, hinting at the feral power and predatory instincts that lie just beneath the surface. He has three tongue piercings, and the blue mark on his navel is also a piercing. Salvador is adorned with Mesoamerican tattoos that cover most of his body, their patterns evoking ancient rituals and mystical symbolism. These tattoos, etched with dark ink, weave a tapestry of intricate designs across his skin, each line and curve carrying the weight of centuries of lore. Notably, a bold line extends beneath his eyes, accentuating his gaze with a fierce intensity that hints at the unfathomable depths of his power and the enigmatic nature of his being.