"But it isn't dangerous. I am a lot more sturdy than you think I am. Jellal knows this so he's fine with it... plus he knows I'll grow out of it." mentioned the blue haired girl. Which got a nod from Nasira. "She's right, we're built a bit different a few falls isn't going to make much of a difference to her physically. Plus, if she's hanging out with us, I'll be around to catch her, so it really isn't a big deal at all." mentioned Nasira which caused the blue haired girl to beam up at her. She'd attached herself to Nasira like the girl was her big sister, likely because of the similarities they possessed and the way she carried herself even without being an "awoken" Genshi Ryu. Still, it seemed that Malik didn't understand how exactly Fudo seemed to be in the good graces of all the girls. "Aiolia, would probably be happy for the male company given where he's from." she said figuring like everyone else, Aiolia would enjoy getting to know them all, but about Fudo there was something else to say. "Well Fudo is just Fudo... " she mentioned of her long time friend. Of course, she still had no problem with their shared baths, and beyond that none of the other girls ever seemed to have a problem with it past the shock of their initial interaction as such.