Shula seemed to hear what the young man had to say on his lack of a chest by the standards she used to measure them. Of course, she fully understood that he was a man and thus should probably have muscle mass but this didn't change the fact that it was simply a lot less soft. "But but, soft is fun..." she said pouting. When it was mentioned that she seemed proud Shula was ready to exclaim that she was, but Fudo beat her to it so she just nodded. "Yep, of course I am." she seemed content with her activities for the day and that just made Yasmin smile. Of course, when it was mentioned that the pink haired girl didn't seem to have much of a problem with her apparent molesting she simply shrugged and was still playing in Fudo's hair while she explained her stance.. "I am not... look how happy she is... she pets you like a small animal, she nearly smothered Makarov to death on sight, she molests me on occasion. It's simply who she is, and she's a good deal of fun... so why would I be bothered. Seems like it's just Shula showing her love and appreciation for all the different sorts of people she comes across. And that is nothing to be bothered about." the pink haired girl mentioned. She found it amusing that in a world where violence and sadness existed on such a massive scale, a happy, touchy-feely person like Shula still managed to exist. She wouldn't change that about the young Magi, and aside from that it was a far better reaction than the kind of hatred she received from prepubescent girls.