At Shaka's words Shadiya's eyes widened. She couldn't believe at that this very moment, she was being blamed for this incursion. What came next to her was a manipulation of time and space, which ended with her receiving a twisting punch to the face and sent her flying backwards. She hit a wall but seemed to be fine other than the extreme soreness her body would likely feel because of this later. "Uh-huh... so I've broken our promise because I've changed. Not because I've done anything wrong, or because I gave up on my dream... but because I found another way, which doesn't require me to climb over a mountain of bodies?" she questioned rhetorically as she rubbed her cheek. It had hurt, but she supposed, she'd done worse to him in the last few moments. And with that in mind, she couldn't help but wonder how such hypocrisy had been seeded between the pair of them, how had she not noticed that he'd been stuck on these things while she moved closer to their overall goals.

Meanwhile the brunette girl was rather surprised by her opponent's aptitude. It seemed he was at least able to follow her motions even if he couldn't touch her with them. His question as he backed away from the dagger she'd been about to plunge into the back of his head made her brow raise. "I should be asking you that question, it isn't everyday someone dodges a back stab assassination attempt." she chuckled only to point at the black metal ring she wore on her right hand. "It's the offshoot of a Dark Metal Vessel. Like the ones which belong to those little nobodies who follow King Vessel's around. But... connected to something else. Mine allows me to make my body intangible so I can pass through solid objects. So... you can't touch me." she said with a smile on her face. It seemed this girl had no intention of falling here, or giving up any information and though this boy had jumped away from her first strike, this would only lead her to try again, right up until the moment she'd chose to strike her body would be passing through and around this blonde boy, but after a few passes she tried again, this time aiming the shot with her short blade to his kidney on the left side.