Ameshigai (雨市街, literally meaning "The City of Rain") is a small, yet highly industrialized hidden village located in the outskirts of the Hideout grounds. Its architecture is composed of several metallic skyscrapers with rowed ducts connected to them and many power lines surrounding. As its name suggests, it rains almost constantly due to a storm above the village. All the water seemingly ends in a large lake that surrounds the village. A number of smaller villages also surround Ameshigai.

  • It constantly rains in the arena, making the ground slippery at times.
  • There are people living in the city as well, they shouldn't be dragged into the fight.
  • Most of the buildings are high enough to damage the individuals if they are to fall.

Rules of the Arena:
1.) No Godmodding.
2.) No flamming, spamming or serious cursing.
3.) Only one spar at a time.