"I am Knight Queen, chosen by God. Religious doesn't quite cover what I am." the woman said. She looked around at the crowd of confused men who seemed to not understand what their Queen wished of them, it would be then that she spoke in a way which would be simultaneously freeing and damning. "Knights stand down." she said and all the men dropped to their knees weapons at their sides. None would question her words but, she could practically feel the descent festering within these people. She was letting a person brandish a weapon which wasn't of God and beyond that she was not fighting against such a person. "Who are we, if not those who can foster new knowledge and understanding in the heretics? Ours is not to question, and saving a non-believer is worth so much more than his blood spilled over the stones of the road." the Knight Queen said as she allowed her weapon equip to fall away and placed the pin back within her hair to keep her ponytail in place.

"The Heretic can not be allowed to walk freely among us while he still spouts his nonsense, I hope he understands this." said the Knight Queen. Though they didn't get out much the idea that multiple dungeons existed wasn't really new to the Knight Queen, she simply had yet to think of a reasonable explanation of this to give her followers. Besides this... the man among them had already spoke heretically making it easier divert attention to him then to point out the shortcomings of her own belief system. The men around the Knight Queen looked up at her with newfound understanding. "The Knight Queen's will is God's will. And her kindness is God's kindness." they chanted making it obvious exactly how the balance of this society's teachings were kept.