"Sou ka." the girl mentioned it'd been quite a while since the last time she tried something new and had it not turn out badly. This whole thing was an amusing day to her, and Tayuya had to admit she was having quite a bit of fun. It seemed that Shoichi thought that her trick wasn't wrong, but instead had simply been made her own. He took this a bit further, using his own wind manipulation to increase the size of the small orb in her hand to something gigantic and out of her hands. "Sugoi! It's huge!" she said laughing in amazement. Something that large was bound to do a lot of damage but she doubted she'd make one so big without needing to. Still it was just nice to have fun at this point. "Shouldn't we not have it be so big if it's already going to be damaging though?" she said there was a lot of power to be found in the kind of run that Tayuya had, and she didn't want anyone to be hurt.