"Oro?" he said by force of habit. Frankly, he had yet to consider the overall setup of this building compared to the last; especially regarding room placement and the like. So, as he formed his reply, he rubbed the back of his head in thought. "Oh, shit... I hadn't even thought about that sorta thing. To be honest, this whole thing kinda blew over my head immediately, like we were going to end up sleeping back at the hotel for some reason. It's been so long since the old house, I didn't even register that we actually live here now." With that, he lowered his hand and raised his head toward the sky beyond the window. With a building this size, he could house the entire second generation of Gravity Children, and then some. But, he somehow doubted that would be in their best interest. "Well, I can't exactly assign you a room or anything. I'm not your landlord, and haven't been since Roze came back anyway. I ain't gonna kick you out or anything, though. Sleep wherever you feel comfortable, I guess."