"It was supposed to open a couple of months ago? It did, a couple of days after my birthday." the girl said thinking about it more as the small animal nudged her finger then bit it with small fangs. A smile crossed the girl's face as she reached and picked up the small thing. "Fuck, some sharp little teeth ya' got there. I respect that," the little Storm Queen then turned her gaze towards this man who seemed to say something very similar to something the small girl would say herself. A chuckle ensued at the way this sentence was delivered. "Well fuck is that what it feels like when I say shit like that to people?" she said mostly rhetorically. It seemed that this creature didn't have a name, at least initially. But this man felt the need to name it. By this time Chiyo had the small thing in her arms as it moved itself around her arms and shoulders playfully nipping at the girl. "Minion, huh? I like that~" she said picking it up and holding it with both hands. "You're my little Minion and we're gonna dominate the world, cool?" she asked of it as it wiggled in her grasp and when she brought it closer it licked her face. "Kawaii!~" chimed the girl who seemed very happy at this point. "So, you gotta name?" she asked the man, it could get really strange not knowing what to call a man who looked so similar to her brother and she doubted he wanted her assigning him one.