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Thread: Daybreak Town

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  1. #1
    "Of course it's worth finding out. Hands on research is the best." Temperance mentioned. As she moved along she also headed out the door, catching only the comment that she wouldn't be writing anymore a smirk came to her face. "Of course, there will be more writing... I still have record how I feel about it, if I actually manage to achieve it." she mentioned now outside she stood in the open area of her yard and waited for proper instructions on how to activate both forms simultaneously. "So, how exactly did you achieve this?" she asked of the Master Form.

  2. #2
    Once he was outside, Sion began hopping about, finding it to be an incredibly easy task to perform numerous flipping maneuvers in midair. As he did this, Temperance requested the secret of the form's unlocking. "It was surprisingly easy once I had the theory ready. I searched my heart for the Valor and Wisdom orbs, then I just forced them together. It felt like it was meant to happen, like two halves of something coming together. I thought it would be like oil and water, but it was more like bread and butter. All I needed to do was put the Master orb back into my heart."

  3. #3
    Temperance watched as the young man began flipping about and testing out the limits of his new maneuverability outside. Upon doing this she found that she'd confirmed her idea about this form would be related to aerial combat. The explanation of how it worked and how it felt working made the girl look at the young man curiously. "I see... that is... different." she said. "Forcing the two orbs together. To make them work." she said aloud before going quiet for a few seconds. In this moment the young woman began searching her heart for the other forms of the orbs she already possessed and after a few seconds she found them. It was very strange trying to do this, but after a second she was able to force them together producing from her chest, a yellow orb with a different sort of symbol on it. Her try at this endeavor had taken a bit longer than Sion's had, but it also wasn't her idea, so that was to be expected. "Oh... this is different." she mentioned a book floating up to her hand via static electricity while she held the orb in her right hand and examined and took notes about it with her left hand. After she had everything she needed for posterity she forced the new orb back into her heart triggering a drive form which changed her clothing to a yellow pattern. It put one Keyblade in each hand, her original being controlled telekinetically and her new one with the leopard lightning theme in her hand firmly held. "Oh... this is... nice~" she chimed though it seemed to take a bit more work for her to pull herself together enough to breathe properly.

  4. #4
    Sion ceased his hopping when it became apparent that Temperance was creating the new Drive Form within herself. He watched intently, having a grin cross his face when the yellow orb left her body. "That's the ticket!" he said. The young woman went on to jot down a few notes regarding the transformation, but immediately after finishing, she returned the orb to her heart and achieved Master Form from doing so. "Relax. I think the first one's going to suck every time. After a minute, you should feel better than ever."

  5. #5
    As the girl adjusted to the new form she could see how it could be easily rather annoying to have to deal with a transformation the first time. "Yeah, it seems to be the case that the first use of such a form is always a bit more taxing than it should be. Even so... I think I've adjusted now." the girl said having found her normal breathing pattern. Even so, as she began to move about she was immediately stunned by how easy movements were taking place and beyond that how much she was capable of doing in this few seconds a few flips turned and the movements of her arms seemed to do a pretty good, and when she jumped she grinned. "Oh? This is definitely for aerial combat." she said with a smile.

  6. #6
    "Yeah, it's pretty refreshing. I expected something more along the lines of Magic coming from every strong physical movement. You know, like elemental raids without needing to put any effort into the skill at all," he said. This truly had been his theory when first envisioning the form, but he considered this to be very much a better alternative to the idea. He felt as if he could use the power of his Wisdom Form with his right Keyblade, and have added range to the abilities of his Valor Form with the telekinetically controlled Keyblade to his left. "And we officially have a successful experiment that doesn't leave me in a coma," he said with a grin. "I wouldn't have tried with anyone else. Thanks for the research."

  7. #7
    "It is pretty neat. And I could see the uses for it in combat, even though I don't favor this sort of combat myself." the young woman mentioned as she quite enjoyed this particular bit of fun. As she moved about and bounced off the walls outside of her home she knew for certain that this form would be something she'd likely use over the other two, which didn't really suit her needs at all. While she had fun, Sion mentioned the fact that he had completed an experiment without ending up in a coma. "Aww, well... I wouldn't have put this much work into helping anyone else. I am happy to help you... any time you need me or my research~" the young woman mentioned.

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