Outside the cave, Invi found himself facing against two creatures which simultaneously conjured great spheres of darkness overhead. There was such a great presence from these that he could literally feel it, as if it were draining the air and beginning to choke him. "That's not good." Before he could do anything about the monsters, he had to deal with these orbs. Otherwise, the entire cave and Kairos' potential exit from it would be in danger of crumbling. He needed to gamble on this. He needed to wait until the precise moment in which they were sent his way, lest he risk exploding them too closely to the cave.

Within the cave, Kairos was faced with the problem of being without her magical abilities. Naturally, this did not bode well for her affinity, but she seemed to have at least one way around the handicap being imposed on her. Her quadret of strikes using both light and darkness to power them ground against the creature's arm after it swung its blade, yet it did not seem fazed by this. Its remaining pair of arms each conjured an orb of darkness, which it threw to the sides. These orbs proceeded to bounce around the area, threatening to strike Kairos and inflict a powerful gravity effect on her numerous times over. In the meantime, a voice echoed throughout the cave. "You're not going to accomplish much as you are. I'm sure you've noticed that."