Though Naoto's Ars Armagus removed blood from the Water Queen, it seemed to coagulate at a rapid pace immediately afterwards. This was quite strange, and fairly foreboding for the blood-manipulating lad. Still, he would not be deterred from his goal by such thoughts alone. Moments later, there was an even greater aura of threatening around the blue-haired woman - that being her entry to the state of mind known as the "Zone." Naoto did not seem very concerned about this, not knowing what its actual power was. Aomine, however, grinned from ear to ear. "Are you sure I won't be excited? Okaerinasai, Sumi-chin~♥" he said with his arms outstretched. In the meantime, the veins across Naoto's body became more visible during the explosions of blood caused by Jinx, further amplifying his defense against all things threatening to damage him. He took minimal damage, but he also seemed surprised to discover that he was, in fact, experiencing pain while having this ability active. 'But... the only one who has done this has been...' he thought. Before taking a serious beating from the continuous blasts against him, he expelled blood from his body to create a dense barrier, pushing away the explosions around him... or rather, absorbing the blood which created the explosions into itself. "That was strong. It can't break my defenses, though. Stilled Blood Guise eats organic matter to strengthen itself."

"That is the maskless version of the delinquent formerly known as Kasumi. You know, that one you've obviously been worrying about for the last few minutes," Roze said. "Also, the one I'm pretty sure is winning this in the next minute or so, whether she's accomplished anything already or not."