A sigh escaped the young woman. She generally only knew of her clan what Youko had told her, she'd grown up in the Sunagakure and considered it her home, beyond all things. Beyond this point, it seemed that the mercenary had no idea what she planned to do with her weapon, and thus he'd been truly unprepared for the fight that he was participating in. When he backed out of her attack, he doomed himself, being shred to pieces by the pressure of the wind created by her attack. After it was complete, the blood began to drain from the moons visible in Aiko's eyes and she stopped channeling wind into her sword, sheathing it in a single deft motion. She turned then to find, Hakudoshi, actually peeing on a man he'd killed which made her rub a hand over her own face. "Really?" she asked aloud in a whisper to the world at large. Most of the rest of the mercenaries upon witnessing the feats of these two, had decided that their life wasn't worth this paycheck, and they'd disappeared while most of the occupants were otherwise engaged. All but the young boy, known as Higuchi Kaichi. He watched as the mercenaries left.

"Tsk, doesn't matter, this was my mission anyway." And to his credit, he stood before the Kazekage with a tanto gripped tightly between his hands. He really intended to fight her, even as his men fled and the plan he'd put together fell apart. "Look kid, I'll totally give you an A for effort here, really. But you aren't winning a fight with me. How about you do the right thing, and settle down, take off your mask and we'll have a little chat, hm?" she asked of him, those orange eyes of hers, travelling over the boy's countenance. Now that he wasn't surrounded by all the murderous intentions of the mercenaries, she could see, beyond all the rage was anguish. This boy was uniquely sad, and since Aiko recognized him, she assumed he belonged to her village. She would do no one the service of killing a young boy today, especially one so wrapped up by grief. "There isn't anything you can give me, you've taken everything from me." The boy claimed. Such a sentence completely stunned the Kazekage, she hadn't heard such a thing from a young man, since a strange occasion in the Land of Iron when she happened upon a man's fiance. In spite of the odd nostalgia the young woman was more than capable of seeing and reacting to the boy's rather speedy movements. As he came towards her with a lightning covered blade, she flat palmed pushed it down flipping over the young man and pushing his mask down his face with her other hand while twisting her body in an oddly cat-like way. The end of this maneuver she'd be holding a ball of lighting chakra in her left hand and standing with her right in her hair. "Ara, ara... lemme see that face. I'm really bad with names." she said only to have the boy scoff and turn around. And his face was surprisingly familiar, if only because it looked like one she'd seen recently. Yes, now she knew, the man she'd gone to see in the hospital, "Oh! Higuchi! You're the Inquisitors son. I get ya' now I know why you're all messed up." The Kazekage mentioned. Which only caused Aiko to scoff. 'Onee-sama has no tact,' thought the young girl as she turned in time to hear this conversation. "I didn't know you were old enough to be in with the village special ops. Hmm, am I to assume then, your personal mission was to kill me?" she asked seeming not to care too much about it at all. In fact, the entire time the Kazekage was calm and benevolent, a fact which began to drive the young man she was talking to insane.

"Of course it is my mission. And I will see it through you left my father a vegetable. Usui-sama was right, you're poison for the village, you'll take us all down with you!" he exclaimed as he charged her again, even knowing it would be fruitless. Benihime didn't move out of the way of this attack, instead she stood catching the blade once more and sending the chakra ball into the boy's person to disrupt his movements. He figured this was his dying moment, but as he fell unable to control his body the Kazekage allowed the boy's body to fall into her arms. "Why?! Are you mocking me?! Kill me too!!" he demanded, seeming to be even more distraught than the woman had thought. "Ara, ara, calm down and just listen okay? I know, I messed up, but I did tell the council that my head wasn't a safe place. Usui, insisted the Inquisitor try to break past the walls of mind but it didn't work out right. They ended up flipped back in his head, so yeah, I turned your dad into a vegetable. Or rather, I kinda, locked him up inside his own mind." she said softly as she sat the boy down before her. Then she took a knee at his level to look him in the eye. "But, he's fine now. While I was gone, I was training to figure out how to fix it, and to control the powers of my mind. When I arrived back here, I went to the hospital and fixed him up, first thing. Before I went to see my husband or my son." she said. And the boy looked up at her seemingly stunned. "No... you're lying... you're lying." he said repeatedly, but Benihime had no reason to lie about anything. "The hell I am, I'll even take you to go see him in a minute." she mentioned. But the boy became hysterical. "But, I've committed treason then. If you didn't do it on purpose, then I just tried to assassinate the Kazekage's entire family and the woman herself, for no reason than someone else's politics," he concluded seeming to be ashamed of himself. He'd known Benihime from before she was the Kazekage, he should have known she wouldn't do anything like that. This young boy of about 17 now seemed to think himself deserving of death by the woman's hand. Aiko would speak up now. "Oi, Kaichi, don't sulk about it, make it right. And before you say anything about dying honorably, you should know better." Aiko mentioned. The boy looked to her and seemed to not know what to say, so he got quiet, trying to gather his thoughts enough to tell Benihime all the information she deserved to know.